1. Bring the Passion!  Show up to the field everyday with a passion and enthusiasm for the game. Play with passion. Care about what you are doing. Care about your teammates, your responsibilities, and winning. Let your passion fuel your success!
2. Bring the Juice!  Bring positive energy to the team that is contagious to your teammates. Celebrate the team victories, celebrate reaching your personal goals, and support your teammates. Camaraderie leads to those victories!
3. Stay Hungry!  We will provide you with the tools and training, but in order to succeed, you must be dedicated. Dedication will keep you focused on where you want to go. It is key to your individual success and the success of your entire team. Always stay hungry for more!



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Policies & Procedures


A. Players:
1. Each player and his/her parents or guardians shall understand that the general philosophy of the Grêmio Utah Soccer Club is that playing with the Club is a privilege not a right. Playing is not a right gained by the payment of fees.
- 2. Shall commit to attend a minimum of ninety (90) percent of all practices and all games, unless excused, in advance, by their Coaches.
- 3. Shall maintain acceptable academic standards (school grades and satisfactory citizenship).a. Anyone with more than 1(one) Letter grade of F or Unsatisfactory citizenship in any class shall be considered ineligible to play in any team games or participate in team practices (unless such an exception is requested, in writing, by the player’s parents or guardians and approved by the Board).
- 4. Shall not use drugs, alcohol or tobacco at any time.a. Shall use proper language at all times (no profanity or vulgarity).b. Shall be a positive influence on the team, in the home, classroom, community and elsewhere.c. Shall display commitment to the Club and its program, dedication to performance standards, loyalty to teammates and Coaches
- 5. Shall always display a positive and cooperative individual work ethic.a. Players shall commit to attending requested practice sessions and all games each week.b. Players shall follow all team rules and guidelines as set by the Head coach.
- 6. Disciplinary: Players not achieving any requirements A1 through A5, above, can be placed on probation and not be allowed to play in any regular season or tournament games until such deficiencies are rectified. (Such players may be allowed to continue to practice with their team with the approval of their Head Coach and any member of Board of Directors of Grêmio Utah)
     a. A player can be placed on probation by their head coach or any member of the board of Grêmio Utah with a written explanation of rules violated and how to rectify.
     b. Written notice must be given to Grêmio Utah Head Director and parents or guardian of player to be on probation.
     c. Grêmio Utah Problem solving Procedure must be completed through step 2 before probation can take effect.
     d. If violations are not rectified, player can be removed from the team by a decision of the Grêmio Utah Board. Grêmio Utah Problem solving Procedures will be used for this purpose.
     e. Non cooperation of Parent/Guardian, Player, and/or Coach in respect to the Grêmio Utah Problem solving procedures can result in bypassing of steps 1-3 of the Grêmio Utah Problem solving Procedure at the discretion of the Grêmio Utah board.
B. Parents: Parents & Fans
- At the time that parents register their players to play with the Gremio Soccer Club and sign their players’ agreement, parents shall also be bound by the Grêmio Utah Parental Conduct Agreement, which pledges their support for the Grêmio Utah Soccer program and its goals and support of their child or children involved with Grêmio Utah soccer teams.
Grêmio Utah Parental Conduct Agreement A. Parents:
- 1. Shall uphold all Grêmio Utah by-laws, Policy’s and Procedures.
- 2. Shall not participate in negative conduct towards referees, opposing players, Coaches and fans.
- 3. Will avoid “coaching” or yelling instructions from the sidelines. (Only positive/supportive cheering will be allowed.)
- 4. Can listen to any instructions from the Coach (before, during and after games and practices) but will avoid verbal participation in such unless invited by the Coach.a. parental concerns should be addressed using the GREMIO SOCCER CLUB  solving Procedures.
- 5. Shall be involved in the team or Club organization.
- 6. Except where it is determined by the referee to be impractical, teams, parents and spectators shall set up at all games according to UYSA guidelines or the governing body of the event attending.B. Parents Shall NOT:
- 7. Act as a Coach, if not designated on the official UYSA Roster.
- 8. Act as a Team manager, if not designated as such on the official UYSA Roster.
- 9. Recruit from any Grêmio Utah team for any purpose.
- 10. Be counter productive or destructive of any Grêmio Utah team by action, words or other means.
- 11. Violate Team, Grêmio Utah, Region 2, or UYSA Policy’s, Procedures, By-Laws and/or rules.
C. Disciplinary:
- If Parent(s) are not achieving any requirements 1-6, above, or who violate any item 7-11 can be placed on probation and not be allowed to attend any regular season or tournament games until such deficiencies are rectified.
a. A parent can be placed on probation by the team's head coach or any member of the board of Grêmio Utah with a written explanation of rules violated and how to rectify.
b. Written notice must be given to Grêmio Utah Head Director and the parent(s) to be placed on probation.
c. Grêmio Utah Problem solving Procedure must be completed through step 2 before probation can take effect.
d. If violations are not rectified, parent and the associated player can be removed from the team by a decision of the Grêmio Utah Board. Grêmio Utah Problem solving Procedures will be used for this purpose.
e. Non cooperation of Parent/Guardian, Player, and/or Coach in respect to the LGrêmio Utah Problem solving procedures can result in bypassing of steps 1-3 of the Grêmio Utah Problem solving Procedure at the discretion of the Grêmio Utah board.
f. A Parent is considered any spectator or supporter of a Grêmio Utah team including but not limited to Parent, Guardian, Grandparent, other relative, or fan.
C. Coaches:The Coaches, All Assistant Coaches and Team managers
- All Coaches and team managers shall understand the mission statement, philosophy, organization, governance, by-laws, rules and regulations of the Grêmio Utah Soccer Club, Region 2, and UYSA and abide by the same. They shall be committed to the development of the players, in terms of soccer skills and also, and even more importantly, in the furthering of their education and their abilities to be prepared for life outside of sport or soccer.
- 1. Responsibly conduct all team business and affairs according to Grêmio Utah Soccer Club and Utah Youth Soccer Association rules and regulations.
- 2. Refrain from smoking or drinking on practice or playing fields or in front of players. Or the appearance of being under the influence of any substance.
- 3. Never use drugs or any controlled substance not prescribed by a doctor. (Violation of this rule will result in immediate suspension and, upon verification of the violation, immediate and permanent dismissal.)
- 4. Use appropriate language and topics at all times.
     a. No profanity and no vulgarity.
     b. No abusive language with players, other Coaches, parents or officials
     .c. No degrading or humiliating comments or behavior towards any player.
     d. Appropriate instructions and directions only--no negative comments on any playing or practice field.
- 5. No physical or verbal abuse of referees, parents, players or supporters of any team.
- 6. Develop reasonable schedules and maintain them.
- 7. Always be honest with players and parents.
- 8. Uphold & Implement the by-laws and Procedures of the Grêmio Utah Soccer Club and UYSA.
- 9. Always have at least one other adult at all practices, games and Club/team sponsored events (2 adults present at all time).
- 10. Permit parents to listen to team discussions at all times (games, practices, etc.)
- 11. Participate in the Grêmio Utah Problem Solving Procedures.
- 12. Never recruit players from any other Grêmio Utah team.

Discipline: Violation of this code of conduct by any Coach or Team manager will be subject to action recommended and approved by the Board of Directors, which can include but not limited to: removal from team and prohibition of activities or interaction with any Grêmio Utah team and their supporters.


Remember, there is a time and place for everything. If you need information or wish to ask questions concerning coaching decisions, arrange a meeting with the coach. Concerns or criticisms are welcome, but should be expressed away from training sessions and games. Every effort will be made to address problems or concerns of our members in a fair and consistent manner. In the event of a disagreement the following procedure should be followed when addressing concerns:
24 Hour Rule - Games are extremely emotional for players, parents and coaches. Parents and coaches shall not discuss problems concerning the Team, Coaches, Team Manager, Players or their child for 24 hours following a game, training session or triggering event. This allows all a cooling off time and opportunity to discuss the problem without the emotion of the game or training session as well as avoid regrettable public confrontation.
- Step 1 - Discussion with Team Coach: The member first discusses his/her issues or concerns with the coach, AFTER 24hrs has passed.
- Step 2 - Discussion with respective Board of Director: If after discussing the issue with the coach the issue is not resolved, he/she can present the issue to the appropriate Board of Director. They will offer advise and a resolution. This is not binding.
- Step 3 - Discussion with club President/CEO: If the member is not satisfied with Step 2 discussion, it can then be presented to the club President. This will be thefinal step to resolve the situation before the matter goes to the Grêmio Utah Board. This step is also to receive advise and a non binding solution.
- Step 4 - Final Action: If the matter cannot be resolved within the first 3 steps, then the Grêmio Utah board will make the final decision, which will be binding. The complainant will provide a written statement to the Grêmio Utah Board President and the other party involved, that all steps have been taken and completed and that Step 4 is the only reasonable course of action. The Grêmio Utah board will apply due diligence in gathering the facts from both parties and make a binding decision within 14 days of receiving written complaint.


1. POLICY – Player Fees:
- A. Grêmio Utah collected fees are due and payable upon a player’s individual commitment to a Grêmio Utah team immediately after tryouts each year (Commitment will be according to UYSA policy).
     1. The Grêmio Utah collected fees, applies to the seasonal year commencing after tryout and continuing through May 31 of the subsequent year.
     2. Team Fees, as deemed required by the Teams Head Coach and or Team Manager are included in this policy.
- B. All fee's must be paid in full regardless of a player’s personal decisions to leave a team after  a player has made a commitment to the team.1. While Grêmio Utah understands that some circumstances may necessitate a player leaving a team, such as severe injury or a family move out of state, Grêmio Utah generally expects all players to honor their commitment to a Grêmio Utah team and their teammates for the entire seasonal year.
2. Refund POLICY – Grêmio Utah Collected Fee Refunds:
- A. Once a player has committed to a Grêmio Utah team the fees are non-refundable. In this manner we seek to ensure the viability of a team for other players who depend on the commitment of all players to the team for their soccer opportunities.
3. Discipline:
- A. Any player, parent or coach owing money to Grêmio Utah or any of its teams shall not be allowed to be released, transferred or double rostered to any other team until the deficiencies are rectified.
     - 1. Monies owed which normally are collected by Grêmio Utah, UYSA, Region 2, academy during registration will be disciplined by the Grêmio Utah Board or President.
     - 2. Monies owed which normally are collected by individual teams will follow the Grêmio Utah Problem Solving Procedures.
          - a. Team administrators that normally conduct this businesses for the team will start the Grêmio Utah Problem Solving Procedures to collect deficient payments.
          - b. teams will have 3 days from when the coach is asked for a release to inform the Grêmio Utah President and the deficient party of owed Monies, in writing, and to have started the Problem Solving procedures.


SECTION 1 – Meetings will be run in accordance with the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern Gremio in all cases to which they are applicable and which they are consistent with these Constitution and Bylaws and any special rules of order that Gremio may adopt.  
SECTION 2 - There will be at least one general public meeting per year. This meeting will be held in May  of every year. The general purpose of said meeting is for election of officers.
SECTION 3 - although, this one meeting is said to be a general public meeting, all meetings shall be open to the public.  
SECTION 4 - Meetings of the Executive Committee shall occur three times a year or whenever deemed necessary by the President, or verbal request of two thirds of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 5 - Meetings are typically held monthly. Time and location shall be listed on Gremio website.  
SECTION 6 - In order for an official Board Meeting to take place, at least one half of the Executive Committee must be present. A quorum of the Executive Committee must be present for any voting business to occur.. Officers of Gremio soccer club  shall be deemed as elected officers. All shall serve on the Executive Committee and each has one equal vote at Executive Committee meetings; excluding the President who only votes in an event of a tie.  
SECTION  7-The elections of the elected officers shall take place during the public meeting which is held in May. Newly elected officers will assume their position the Jun following the election. The officers will be elected to a term of two years each. The President, Fields and Facility and the Treasurer shall be elected in years ending in an even number, Secretary, Web Master and Auxiliary Chair shall be elected in years ending in and odd number.  
SECTION 8-There shall be no limit to the number of consecutive terms that may be served by an individual to an elected office.  
SECTION 9– In the event of a vacancy of an elected position the Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint an interim officer whose term shall run to the end of the term

SECTION 1 – Nominations will be open at the general meeting prior to the elections and will be held open until the elections are called. Nominees must be present at time of nomination to accept or decline.
SECTION 2 – A person can be nominated for more than one position in Gremio If they are elected then their name will be automatically withdrawn from the rest of the nominated positions.
SECTION 3 – Elections take place from the highest officer down.
SECTION 4 – A nomination committee shall be formed to preside over the nomination proceedings. The committee’s responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, confirming the eligibility of nominees, confirming eligibility of general members to vote, distributing, gathering and counting of ballots. Members of the nomination committee must not be a nominee for any positions being voting on.  

SECTION 1 – Any Officer may be removed from Office as a result of failure to fulfill the duties of his/her Office or for conduct detrimental to the best interests of Gremio
SECTION 2 – Removal procedures are as follows:  
- A. A petition stating the charge must be filed with the Secretary and signed by a majority of the Executive Committee, or 25 percent of the General Membership the age of 18 or over.
- B. Said Officer shall be notified of the charge via Certified Mail ten days prior to the Hearing that will take place during the General Meeting.  
- C. The Petitioners shall present their case first, the Officer second. A two-thirds vote of the eligible members present is required for removal.  
- D. Should the Officer be the Secretary, the Treasurer shall receive and distribute the petition. Should the Officer be the President, the 1st Vice President shall preside during the proceedings

ARTICLE VII Board Members:    
-Head Director: overseeing the entire club by supervising as well as hiring and managing coaches    
-Director of Coaching: monitoring the coaching sessions, and build and develop a strong coaching team    
-Risk Management Coordinator: addresses field and game safety    
-Financial /Accountant Treasurer: Shall keep a complete and accurate account of all matters related to the financial affairs of the Gremio deposit all receipts, make all disbursements of cash as needed, and purchase orders; have cash balances readily available for Executive Committee review; provide a yearly disclosure of activities via financial statements and yearly audit; orchestrate budgets among the various programs within the Gremio manage Gremio insurance for all related activities and handle all insurance claims. Shall report directly to the President.    
-Board of Director: selected group assigned to assist the Head Director with assigned duties    
-Certified Registrar: registers and validates the players within the club    
-Field Assignor: assigns the fields for the games    
-Referee Assignor: assigns referees for each game

SECTION 1 -All fees for participation in Gremio shall be determined by the individual committee's and subsequently presented to the Executive Committee and must be approved by a majority vote. All fees shall be determined prior to registration. All fees shall take into account any necessary expenses required to see a program through to its successful conclusion.  
SECTION 2 -Any purchases over a maximum dollar amount (which shall be set by the Executive Committee) must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall set this amount at the May meeting.  
SECTION 3 – Fund Raising – All fund-raisers must be approved by 2/3 Executive Committee present. All fund-raisers must have a clearly stated purpose.